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Website Audit

Website Audit

You can think of the SEO Audit as a method that helps you assess a website's ability to rank in Search Engine Results...

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What is SEO?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. It is the art of making content or page rank on the search engine to appear as an organic search result and in the unpaid section. So, if you want to boost your ranking without a dime, SEO is the way to go.

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There are millions of blogs posted every day. WordPress users alone publish 2 Million blog posts alone. This breaks down to twenty-four blogs per second. And this is just for WordPress users. If all blog counts are taken into consideration, then the number of blogs posted per second is just going to increase.

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So, how on earth would you be able to rank your content in a fiercely competitive search engine. Given that ranking is the key to your business's expansion, you need to make sure that you rank at least on the search engines per page, if not on the top spot.

SEO helps you achieve this difficult objective. It helps you rank and boost your presence whenever someone types a keyword related to the product or services you have to offer.

Let us break down the SEO concept a little further. SEOconcerns the Business, the search engine and the searcher. If you have a business of, let's say, Winery Shop, you would want to rank your website for 'Best Winery Shop'.

You would need to work on articles you publish on the Google website to increase its ranking in the search result. With that, your website is off to a great start with ranking at the top with all targeted keywords.

Advantages of SEO

SEO helps in audience targeting: Unlike the outbound marketing method that focuses on finding the right audience, SEO is concerned with inbound marketing, helping customers reach you.

Does not Require Spending for Ads: Algorithm ranking in google is focused on ranking articles based on their relevancy and quality of information. This means, as long as a page has information that Google finds fit to refer to other people, it would automatically generate traffic on that website without spending a single penny.

SEO is higher clicks than PPC: Although PPC ads rank higher than the organic result, 77.33% of users end up clicking organic result. No is no solid reason as to why this is prominent. But one reason could be the faith searchers have on the google algorithm. They know what space advertisers are paying for and instead go for the one that Google finds fit to rank on top organically.

SEO helps in PR: Although both the terms are totally different marketing approaches, they could be used together to get the best results. A major part of SEO involves getting a renowned website to refer to your article. And considering that PR involves promoting through influencers or publication, backlinking providers huge opportunity.

SEO helps in staying ahead of the Race: SEO today is considered a staple of marketing strategy. 61% of marketers claim to be focusing on improving SEO to improve their online presence.

So, where exactly do we Fit in the Picture? Find more about us by Getting in Touch.